When we perform third-party inspection services, we are often asked by clients, suppliers or interested parties: “What is a third-party inspection (TPI) company? What do they do? ” . Today, let’s talk about what third-party inspection company is and what they do.

A third-party inspection company (TPI) or third party inspection agency (TPIA) is a business organization, complying with the standard ISO 17020 “Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection”.

Third-party inspection or Type A defined by ISO 17020 is the most stringent of the 3 types of inspection organization that the standard specifies, “The Type A inspection body shall be independent of the parties involved; The Type A inspection body and its personnel shall not engage in any activities that may conflict with their independence of judgment and integrity in relation to their inspection activities”. Thus we call this kind of organizations as third-party inspection company (TPI) or third party inspection agency (TPIA).

Based on this requirement the third party inspection company shall not be involved in any design, procurement, fabrication, construction and installation. All companies and parties such as buyers, sellers, engineering design companies, plant owners must have access to these agencies and use their services. The confidentiality, independence, impartiality and integrity are important conditions for being a third party inspection company.

Generally, third-party inspection company provide auditing and inspection services such as auditing (supplier audit, social responsibility audit, etc.), shop inspection, surveillance visit inspection, expediting, pre-shipment inspection (PSI), loading/unloading surveillance, etc.

Shizhun is the Type A Inspection Body accredited by ISO 17020, as an ISO 17020 accredited third-party inspection company (TPI) in China, we perform all kinds of inspection services in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17020 based on our clients customized requirements.

Shizhun’s inspection services and quality control activities include:

  • Auditing such as supplier audit (or vendor audit, factory audit), design review, etc.
  • Shop inspection
  • Surveillance visit inspection
  • Expediting
  • Pre-shipment inspection (PSI)
  • Loading/unloading surveillance

More about ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection, please refer to:



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